
VIDEO BOOK REVIEW: The Summer That Melted Everything


Mysterious, magnificent, and right on time, Tiffany McDaniel has gifted readers this summer with a story that is so deep and difficult that you’ll need air conditioning and a tall glass of iced tea to wade through the heat of her debut novel.

The Summer that Melted Everything is a one-of-a-kind experience in storytelling that draws on the greatness of Harper Lee, William Faulkner, Spike Lee, and whatever grace it is that brings our greatest stories to the page. It’s a Southern gothic tale with elements of magical realism and such lyrical originality that for the duration of the read, I found myself in the pearls-clutched position as one would be when bearing witness to greatness.

The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniels


I am so grateful for this story. Even though it was heartbreaking, painful, and profoundly discomforting, it exposed me to “the work” that must be done by all of us if we’re going to live in a balanced, peaceful world. I think we’ve done enough melting of our American and global society to know it’s not working, and it’s time we get to the real work of making this a more harmonious world with all of our differences and individuality; Not this homogenous dream of disastrous consequences.

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Read the full review over at The Storyscape

29th Jul 2016 Dominique Taylor


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